What is a diet: Diet Types

Food is one of the pillars of our health. Through food we obtain energy and nutrients we need, that is why it is vital that we make our diets a priority, nowadays usually forgotten due to the short time available to us and the influence of social changes.Any diet aims to maintain or improve our health, and therefore our physical appearance, and this is a reflection of our better or worse state. Whether for weight loss, weight gain, avoid certain foods or supplementing vitamin deficiencies, diets should always seek balance and we must receive the advice of a professional nutritionist who develop a menu suitable to our features.

Types of diet that we can continue to improve the Health
When choosing or developing a diet, the first step that we must take is to ask your goal, since according to this we can differentiate between different types of diets:

.Low-calorie diets: the most popular and common are low calorie diets, those that are intended to lose weight through a low calorie diet.

.High calorie diets: women who want to gain weight are less common, but it can also be an objective to achieve through a diet rich in carbohydrates and fats.

.Basal or balanced diet: are those that are not intended to modify our weight, but keep it healthy and balanced way. This diet belongs, for example, the popular Mediterranean diet.

.Protein diets: whether to reduce the level of proteins (hipoproteicas), indicated in case of renal disease or to increase it (hiperproteica), which is used in case of problems such as anorexia, malnutrition, etc.

.Ketogenic diet: there are several types of this diet, lacking mainly carbohydrates or sugars, being replaced by proteins or lipids. Used in the case of diseases such as epilepsy and obesity, one of the best-known is the Atkins diet.Here Fit Yummy Mummy Review

.Dissociated diet: these diets aim to lose weight through various methods. They are based on eating one type of nutrient over a period of time, since they assume that thus are forced to the body to consume the accumulated fat.

.Diet without gluten: people with celiac disease are people suffering from intolerance to gluten, a component of many cereals; this diet these foods substituting alternatives, and similar techniques are used in the case of other food allergies.